三、 壶内定稿。壶外的大形已经确立,用内画笔把外稿绘制在壶内,用淡墨勾细线,墨色以浅为佳,画者能看清即可。
四、 准确定形。此时的画稿只是粗略绘制,下一步需要仔细刻画,根据被画者的特征,确立五官,此时用笔迹还是以线为主。墨色中可适当添加大红或曙红,衣服还以墨色为主,色彩突出的地方可加相应当色彩(色彩为国画色颜料)
五、 确立结构,人物的头部及衣服的形态基本定型后,根据主要光源以及环境光源,寻找明暗交界线,以及突出的结构块,明暗交界线适当重些,但注意线的变化,不要画死,根据具体的结构,灵活运用。
八、 着色(面部),造型稿完全画好之后,就进入着色阶段,着色前先把油色挤在纸上,进行吸油,油性太大时会打滑,不易涂匀。
九、 着色(头发、衣服),面部色彩画好之后,进而画头发和衣服,除了大的主色调之外,还要注意头发和衣服的色彩关系。根据面部的色调关系来调整色彩的冷暖关系,使之和谐统一。
十、 题跋、画背景。根据画面的构图特点,以及壶的外形来题跋、画上印章。背景色的处理,要根据人物头部的主调以及衣服的色彩特点、绘制背景色,也可以加入其他图案。总而言之,背景色是为主体服务的,不要和整个画面相排斥。
丙午丁轩简介; 所谓‘丙'是在古文里指太阳,有文明之意思。太阳早出晚落。 '午'是在古文里的含义是为烽堠。在古代五行属马,然烽堠的原意就是戎马兵火,战马烽烟的地方。象征着古代战场上的战马与将军。 ‘丁’则是说夜晚,主要说的是星星之火。当入夜,太阳落下的时候,于是星星就在天上出现了,星星闪闪发光。‘轩’则是指(2) 古代一种有围棚或帷幕的车:~驾(帝王的车驾)。~冕(卿大夫的车和礼服是分等级的,借以指官爵禄位)。~轾(车前高后低称“轩”,车前低后高称“轾”,用来喻高低优劣)。(3) 有窗的长廊或小屋。 (4) 门、窗、楼板或栏杆。 丙午丁轩的大致含义就是这个。丙午丁轩;我们的梦想是;照地球的每个角落!
柳证耀(艺名) ;丙午丁轩主人, 原名;柳淇.1983年出生于山西河曲 . 99年开始在一壶斋学内画艺术,2003年创建"丙午丁轩".2006年调入当代著名内画大师王习三的门下,并在中国内画艺术之乡展览馆任职 ,,2007申请"内画艺术论坛(丙午丁轩柳证耀)"为名的内画论坛.2010年,创建"丙午丁轩国际艺术传媒"下设"柳证耀内画艺术中心"和"柳淇内画艺术院".作品多以山水,人物等为主.
1: 凡是柳证耀的作品,落款处必定题“**年柳证耀作于丙午丁轩”或“**年柳淇作”
2: 印章,凡柳证耀作品必有与终不同的印章。内画界没有姓氏为“柳”的。所以柳证耀作品里有自己的印章有个繁体的柳字,大型基本属于四方型内有个柳字。
5: 作品材质;主要以人造/天然水晶材质的鼻烟壶为主,壶盖属玛瑙材质。
自从市场上出现各种假冒或粗制滥印手段的内画作品后,让那些真正追求艺术的内画同仁寒心.我们画师求学数十载,好好的传统文化被披上假冒的面纱,我们决定作开放式的内画论坛,就是每个作品都能发表出来让人们评论鉴定.群众的眼睛是雪亮的 .我们邀请了国内很多著名的艺术大师进入我们的 内画艺术论坛 艺术是实实在在的,每一笔一划都见证着艺术家的心血,内画也是如此,它的每一笔一划都是手工制作出来的.有位哲人说过"谎言已经流传了半个世纪,真理还没顾得上穿鞋子"虽然我们的现实脚步如此的慢,但我们坚强的走.相信那些艺术的真面孔会一步步的展现在大众面前.于是我们努力打造一个关于内画艺术的论坛,让那些真正的艺术面向世人,我们选出的作品价格不同做工也不同,但绝对是手工制作的内画作品.努力把关把真实的艺术展现出来同时也打造不同档次的内画作品适合消费群体.我们经验不足,但我们时时刻刻在学习,希望大家多多指导.
白水晶:是所有能量的综合体,称晶王。可镇宅、辟邪、挡煞,净化 全身,趋吉开运。
晶莹璀璨的水晶,有独特的外观和鲜明的感情特性,多端变化更能体现您个性化的美感;独特的设计理念,将源自欧洲的时尚素与悠久的东方文明完美结合;它以纯手工工艺精心打造而成,体现了新生代时尚族群充满激情,积极乐观的生活态度。灵性与和谐就是水晶,它激发思考。接触水晶可以使我们在更加宽广的智慧空间中任意驰骋。现在,水晶已经成为们情感的纽带,璀璨的一道光线,让我们一同分享。 内画鼻烟壶的用途 鼻烟壶是一种小巧玲珑的工艺品,它将玉石、珐琅、水晶、玛瑙、瓷、料等与绘画、书法艺术结合,成为工艺品中的一朵奇葩,被雅好者视为珍贵文玩,在国内外享有盛誉。鼻烟的原料是优质的烟草,将它碾成极细的粉末,然后再配兑上香料和名贵的麝香等药材,经过精细加工,密封发酵,存放数十年才能使用。烟草的原产地在美洲,已有两千多年的种植史.最初印地安人把烟草当作神圣的植物,作为礼仪的祭品。后来便用烟草和鼻烟作为提神醒脑的辛辣刺激香料。 1492年,我国明代弘治五年,哥伦布发现新大陆后,烟草和鼻烟逐渐在世界各地传播。明朝万历九年,意大利教士利马窦来中国传教,开始把鼻烟壶带到中国,当作提神醒脑活血防疫药品,治疗风寒、头痛、鼻塞等症。鼻烟分黑紫、老黄、嫩黄等色,酸、豆、糊、甜等味,其中以甜味最佳。鼻烟输入中国后,开始只在上层社会中流行,后来一般的市民、商贾中也有人染上了闻鼻烟的习惯。中国自制鼻烟壶不晚于清初,据清康熙十四年王士祯《香祖笔记》中记载,当时不仅内府制造贮鼻烟的玻璃瓶,而且在民间也大量制造,只是称之为"瓶"而非"壶"。所以,流传至今的鼻烟壶,以康熙年间为最早。大约在康熙末年,鼻烟瓶才改称为鼻烟壶。到清雍正、乾隆时期形成了它的高峰。在当时,嗅闻鼻烟和持有高档鼻烟壶成为炫耀身份和夸耀财富的标志。在社会交往中,又可作为互相馈赠的礼品,更有人将鼻烟壶作为行贿的工具。鼻烟壶自康熙年间开始制造,历经雍正、乾隆、嘉庆、道光、咸丰、同治、光绪诸代,清代末叶又出现一种精美的内画壶,工艺技法变化无穷,各色精品美不胜收。 清朝末年以后,旱烟、水烟、纸烟逐渐代替了鼻烟,它最终被社会淘汰,但应盛放鼻烟而生的鼻烟壶,则作为精美的艺术品,继续为人们谈论、研究、收藏、玩赏。 |
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This product is: inside painting snuff bottle
Note; restaurant all within the painting works of art by the famous master Xuan Liu Bing-wu Ding Yao handmade card or a producer, purely handmade works of art, collectors have a question if you can call 24-hour telephone consultation! Also available online quiz! Our aim is to allow collectors tocollection to the most authentic works of art, if you do not believe that our products are hand! If conditions permit we can to make your site visit! This is the comparison of our and other stores!
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ s Description
Name: inside painting snuff bottle
Material: Artificial crystal, agate cover
Subject matter; annual surplus
Specifications; 5.5 * 5cm
Packaging: Gift brocade box
(As recently opened restaurant, large family and friends should be invited, in particular the launch of the special works of art, in order to make more friends to enjoy the art of portrait painting to enjoy, so the portrait prices down! Ask a friend to cherish this will be) as portraitstake a long time (probably need 10-20 days) So, if there is a need within custom portraits, and the need for you to paint a clear picture and to those who have enough time.It can be used as gifts, appreciation or collection!Pattern can also be produced according to customers!
A total of development, with our hearts!Welcome new and old customers to order, order!
A total of development, with our hearts!Welcome new and old customers to order, order!
Packaging is as follows;Profile within the painting; painting technique is unique within a popular manual Jueyi, in a special category of art, melt art paintings and folk art in one period, was foreign to the superb work of art that is uncanny workmanship.Painter with a rod hook document inserted into the bottle size increase in the ZE brush the inside of the reverse pattern depicted in the shape of the bottle depicts the many stately world of fine between non-project within its capacity, known as "palm art world,""Pocket Fairview heaven and earth," said.Master of many works of art within the country as a precious gift to be presented to foreign heads of state.
Bingwu Ding Xuan portraits produced within the description;
Absorb the essence of the many famous, as "working slowly and deliberately," natural philosophy, Chinese ink painting with the props, the metal hook brush the inside of the bottle in a lot of rhyme images stained with Chinese characteristics. Works mostly careful composition, ink gasfeet deep and powerful images, structured, flexible screen, the texture rich and elegant colors massive while the bearing.
Here are portraits of famous masters, the internal production process;
First, choose pot throwing, according to figures drawn on specific areas (including head, bust, bust with hands, body image) to determine the shape of pot billet, where to head as an example.General statues used pot or round pot off side, bore grinding medium suitable thickness, the color is too coarse to draw up a little bit rough.Too small, oil-color slip, easy to uneven.
Second, pot outside for drafting: with a brush or pencil, pot billet according to the height and width to determine the head position.Billet head height and width to determine the head position, head slightly below the top should be in the spout, leaving some space.Too slow and plug the frame, to choke.Too low to have a sense of sagging.Head and clothes the ratio between the length of 1:1 or 1:1.5 suitable.The proportion of looking after the general good character, to further define the outline of the characters.The proportion of the head and shoulder and perspective relationships.With the outline of a large proportion, the further determine the location of facial features, can be "three stops 5" method to determine the ratio.Of course, the "three stops 5" is about.Specific location in association with the characteristics of those who were drawn to determine.Advantage of the opportunity to draw clothes.
3, jar finalized.Outside the big pot shape has been established, with a draft within the brush to draw in the jar outside, with a short hook thin ink, ink to light is better, the artists can see the can.
Fourth, accurate setting.At this point the artwork is just a rough drawing, the next step needs to dig, according to the characteristics of those who were drawn to establish features, this time with a hand or to the main line.Can be added in red ink, or eosin, clothes still in ink-based color prominent place should be additive with color (color pigments for the painting color)
Fifth, establish structure, characters and clothing form the basic head shape, based on the main light source and the environment, looking for light and dark boundary line, as well as prominent structural block, light and dark border line of the appropriate weight, but, pay attention to line changes, do not drawdeath, depending on the structure, flexibility.
6 to distinguish between light and shade, structure line to find out, the secondary colors great relationship.According to establish the boundary line between light and dark shading relations.The tone on the distinction between black and white, gray melody, heavy parts heavier gray transition to natural.Highlight office blank.Hair treatment at this time also under the large black and white relations, the establishment of large blocks of color relationships, clothes processing ibid.
7, further characterization, shape, features, structure, perspective, shading has been basically established, further to characterize the details, especially the eyes of carved figures, and outstanding special book.(Note that although the spirit of the characters to look through the eyes prominent, but the performance of eyes not only carved the eyes of the individual, but also by other parts around the eyes caused by the effect of the linkage. Such as the eyebrows, frown muscle, eyeorbicularis muscle, nose, mouth and other facial expressions and muscle. On the contrary, results are poor, lack of energy. While the above steps up simple, but not one can be drawn, and draw accurate and will take time and repeated changes in order to achieve both spirit and form.
8, color (face), after drawing the full draft form, would enter the coloring stage, stained first squeeze the oil color on paper, to oil absorption, oil will be too slippery and difficult to Tu Yun.
Color shade when the relationship between the head according to figures from the shallow deep sub-three blocks of color, the color white, color, deep flesh mainly to red or rose red lips, other parts such as the eyebrow, cheekbone, nose, lowerjaw, neck, etc..According to the need for a corresponding color, so colorful.Reflective parts of the face at this time, not too bright.In the brightness of light weaker than the main multi.Instead, make images, "flower" and "chaos."
9, coloring (hair, clothes), after a good facial color painting, then painting hair and clothing, in addition to a large main colors, we should also pay attention to hair and clothing color relations.According to adjust the face tone color of cold and warm relations between so harmoniously.
10, inscriptions, painting the background.The composition according to characteristics of the screen, and the pot's shape to inscriptions, painted on the seal.Background-color processing, according to figures the main theme of the head and the color characteristics of clothing and draw the background color, you can also add other patterns.All in all, the background color for the main service, not the whole picture with exclusive.
This is introduced in the process of making portraits
Bingwu Ding Xuan Introduction; the so-called 'C' is classical in that sun, meaning of civilization.As early as the late fall sun.'L' is in the classical meaning is Feng Baihe.Five of the horse in ancient times, however the intention is that his military Feng Bing Huo Baihe, horses were caught in place.A symbol of ancient horses and generals on the battlefield.'D' is to say that night, that is the main spark.When night falls, when the sun sets, so the stars appeared in the sky, the stars shining.'Heights' refers to (2) a kind of ancient shelf or curtain around the car: ~ drive (emperor driving them).~ Mian (Bureaucrats in the car and the dress is hierarchical, so that official Peerage bit).~ Any kind (high to low car called "Xuan," High said after the low front of the car, "any kind", high and low for Yu merits).(3) the promenade or the cabin windows.(4) doors, windows, floors or railings.Bingwu Ding Xuan is the general meaning of this.Bingwu Ding Xuan; Our dream is; according to every corner of the earth!
Liuzheng Yao-card resume;
zhengYao Liu card (list); Bingwu master Xuan Ding, formerly known as; Liu Qi was born in Shanxi bend .1983. 99, began painting in a pot of fast learning in art, created in 2003, "Bingwu Ding Xuan" within the year 2006, we transferred the famous paintings of contemporary mastersWang Xi-three sects, and in the domestic painting town Hall office, 2007, for "within the Painting Forum (Bingwu Ding Xuan Liu card Yao)" in the name of the inner painting forum .2010 year, creating "Bingwu Ding Xuan international art media" under theset "Liu Yao-card center in Painting" and "Liu Qi within the painting academy of arts." works mostly landscapes, figures, etc. mainly.
How to identify evidence Yiu paintings Liu
Many collectors ask me@How to identify your work@I am simply a few key points.-
1: all the works of Liu Yao certificate, dated Department will issue "Certificate ** Liu Yao for years in Bingwu Ding Xuan" or "** Liu Qi as in"
2: Seal, who works there must be and Liu Yao-end card a different stamp.No name in art circles as "Liu" in.Yao Liu card works in it have their own traditional willow seal has a word within a major capital belongs to the Quartet have a Yoo-type characters.-
3: Work Style: The early works of Liu Yao evidence, mainly dominated landscape.Vigorous pursuit of the kind of atmosphere, attention to Mexico each screen within the meaning but they also have the flavor of rhyme.Texture strongly but clearly the trend.The majority of traditional landscape.Landscape pursuit of elegant antique flavor, but distinct, close look at the texture of each hill, and within the rhyme are in place.-
4: Color: traditional landscapes and rich colors, attention to light, ye saw no color, look carefully there are colors and varied.Landscape color intensity and natural meaning more ink rendering, it was heavy feeling, figure painting and other works of a variety of subjects, are heavy-based, ink Sauvignon but the inside varied colors remain elegant, unique.-
5: work material; mainly artificial / natural crystal snuff bottle based material, the lid is agate material.
Identification of these are brief Yao Liu card within the general characteristics of painted works of art, of course, the best way to paint the most reliable site! Hope you lots of guidance.
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Particular statement, because our experience is limited, there are deficiencies Taobao you lots of guidance!Thank you!